NHL Hotline

The NHL Hotline is a reporting platform operated by Deloitte on behalf of the National Hockey League (NHL) and its member clubs.

To get started, you can watch the following video to learn more about the platform. Click here.

The NHL is committed to a workplace culture that is inclusive, respectful and free from abuse, harassment and all forms of unethical behavior or misconduct. The NHL takes allegations of unethical behavior and misconduct seriously and will review all Disclosures made on the platform to determine an appropriate course of action.

The NHL Hotline is designed to receive Disclosures of unethical behavior and misconduct including without limitation:

  • Abuse of Influence
  • Aggressive Behavior
  • Breach of Policy / Procedure
  • Bribery / Corruption
  • Bullying / Harassment
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Discrimination
  • Racism
  • Domestic Violence       
  • Financial Misconduct / Fraud
  • Hazing
  • Workplace Health / Safety
  • Intimidation
  • Physical Violence
  • Sexual Harassment / Assault
  • Theft
  • Other Unethical Behavior or Misconduct

Disclosures can be made as follows: 

1. Anonymous: Do not provide your name or contact information to Deloitte, the NHL, or a relevant NHL member club;

2. Confidential Restricted: Provide your name and contact information to Deloitte on a confidential basis, but this information will not be shared with the NHL, or a relevant NHL member club, without your consent; or

3. Confidential: Provide your name and contact information to both Deloitte and the NHL Disclosure Review Committee on a confidential basis (which may include disclosure to other NHL-related entities, including one or more member clubs of the NHL, the NHL Players’ Association and/or other signatory to the Declaration of Principles where relevant and appropriate for the purposes of investigating and responding to your Disclosure).

Please keep in mind that even if you do not provide your name or contact information to Deloitte or the NHL, it may be possible for Deloitte and/or the NHL (or other NHL-related entities) to identify you or other parties based on the contents of your Disclosure. However, you will not be specifically identified as the individual making the Disclosure and neither Deloitte nor the NHL will attempt to identify you using any other information. While you are not required to provide your name, it may assist the NHL in investigating and responding to your Disclosure.

If you choose to provide your contact information to Deloitte, it will be used by Deloitte to provide you with a Disclosure ID to enable you to follow up on the status of your Disclosure or add additional information to your Disclosure via this website.

If you choose “Confidential”, the NHL Disclosure Review Committee or other NHL-related entity may contact you directly as appropriate for the purposes of investigating and/or responding as necessary to the information contained in the Disclosure.

You can also make a Disclosure by phone, voicemail or email, if preferable. For additional details, please refer to the "Ways to Disclose" page. 

To view the NHL Hotline Privacy policy, click here.